Online Summer School
With Oxford and Cambridge Tutors
This Summer, ignite your academic curiosity and kick-start your Oxbridge application!
20 hours of live interactive lessons with expert tutors and admissions experts
30+ hours of directed learning
Learn how to make a competitive application to Oxford and Cambridge
Develop subject knowledge far beyond the curriculum
Experience a one-to-one Oxbridge-style tutorial
Meet like-minded students from around the globe
Oxford Tutors and Cambridge Tutors presents a range of the most popular university courses for aspiring Oxbridge students aged 15-18, from Medicine and Engineering to Law and Mathematics.
Our teaching faculty work with us all year round and are exclusively from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. We teach students through small group seminars, lectures and one-to-one tutorials and are 100% interactive. For students keen for more intensive support, we offer one-to-one subject tuition across all courses.
Our programmes are designed to stretch students academically and to develop curiosity and knowledge, whilst encouraging independent learning outside of the live lessons.
All students complete a piece of work during the programme, which is marked and discussed in a one-to-one Oxbridge-style tutorial. On completion of the course, all students also receive a certificate as well as a lecture guide, reading list and bespoke application plan.